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Degel Nissan 5769
Volume 1 - Issue 2
Date: 01/07/2009
Abstract: Degel Nissan 5769


Notes from the Editor
Ben Elton

The Journey of Reb Nachman to Erets Yisrael
Rav Avi Scharf

Chief Rabbi Yitshak HaLevi Herzog on Shimon HaTsaddik
Translated and Edited by Rav Warren Kaye

Yona's Three Day Journey: Greek Tragedy and the Gaon of Vilna

Understanding the Obligation to remember the Exodus from Egypt
Yair Blumenfeld

The Amida: What do we stand for?
Yonni Cohen

Modern Orthodoxy - Religious Zionism: One Hashkafa or Two?
Simon Levy

Tevya's Milk is still Fresh: One hundred and fifty years of Sholem Aleichem
Nathan Woodward

Radical outsiders? Jews in pre-War British business
Ben Vos

Letter to the Editor

  1. Degel Nissan 5769 (960 Kb)
  • Degel Nissan 5769