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Degel Rosh Hashana 5769
Volume 1 - Issue 1
Date: 01/09/2008
Abstract: Degel Rosh Hashana 5769


A Message from the Rav
Rav Avi Scharf

Notes from the Editor
Ben Elton

The priest, the prophet and the prostitute: The transition from Israelites to Israelis
Daniel Youngerwood

The story of Elisha Baal Kenafayim and the obligation to give up one's life for positive commandments at a time of persecution

The definition of death in halakha
Yudit Samad

What's in a Name? Names and naming in Jewish and contemporary thought
Samuel Lebens

God, science and skyhooks: A critique of Richard Dawkins' The God delusion
Daniel Elton

R. Yehiel Yaakov Weinberg on R. Samson Raphael Hirsch
Ben May

Finding a Chief Rabbi 1911 - 1913
Ben Elton

  1. Degel Rosh Hashana 5769 (600 Kb)
  • Degel Rosh Hashana 5769